This digital online marketing course provides you an in-depth understanding and advanced knowledge of the eight most important areas of digital marketing and involves real-world experiments and interactive simulations to obtain domain experience. Extensive project experience and Mimic Pro simulations will introduce you to 40+ digital marketing tools to get you ready for work.
You can obtain a degree from Excellist once you have completed this digital marketing training curriculum, confirming that you have mastered the skill set of a Digital Marketing Expert, validating the ability to lead the organization’s digital marketing activities.
Digital marketing includes a variety of disciplines, and digital marketers with the right capabilities are in immense demand. This immersive digital marketing training includes access to 35+ live online instructor-led courses taught by several professional trainers. In order to help you master the entire digital marketing skillset, you can also get access to the best level of e-learning materials, simulation exercises, a forum moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions by experts, and other tools. This course in digital marketing will allow you to: